In Oswald Spenglers’ Decline of the West he describes the progress of Western Civilization in three phases, 1.) Classical Greek or Appolinian , followed by 2.) Magian (the Abrahamic religions during medieval times, and 3.) a modern or Faustian modern culture exemplified by Goethe’s novels Faust and Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship.
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Incredibles 2: Mr. Incredible as Faustian man…
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In Oswald Spenglers’ Decline of the West he describes the progress of Western Civilization in three phases, 1.) Classical Greek or Appolinian , followed by 2.) Magian (the Abrahamic religions during medieval times, and 3.) a modern or Faustian modern culture exemplified by Goethe’s novels Faust and Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship.